Meeting was brought to order at 9:09 with 36 members attended. Golf was cancelled due to rain.
News of the Members:
Gemma Bannon will not be able to golf for 6 weeks (per her Dr), she will be back sometime in February. If you would like to contact her, her info is in the Roster book.
Jan Brown visited our meeting today and will soon be out golfing again with us.
Shari Stellhorn was given her 100 “broke pin”.
When golf is cancelled due to rain, when 2 or more members are playing your chip-ins and birdies can be recorded (see Rule/Roster book, page 7 under “Cancellation”.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes from Jan. 8, 2025 are approved and posted on our Webpage.
Motion by Carol Smith to approved; seconded by Sharon Wertz.
Call to question: one. No further discussion.
All in favor – motion carries
Treasurer’s Report:
Current bank balance reported.
Holiday luncheon deposit was made on Jan. 10, 2025.
Our current membership count is at 74 with no new prospects. Ann Williams asked if there was a limit on the number for membership—the answer is “no”.
A membership information sheet has been posted on our bulletin board. We are accepting ideas on how to update our bulletin board.
When new members join, they will be given a Roster/Rule book.
Weekly Tournament:
Low Net winner for February was a tie: Kimmy Beck and Sharon Scott with a 69.
Only those players who paid their $10.00 for 2025 will be participate in the Ringer.
Monthly Tournament:
Awards were handed out the to the winners of the 2024 Low Net Tournament. Sheila Blyth won the Low Net Tournament with a score of 74! She was given a $75.00 gift card for Trader Joes. All other winners:
Flight A: 1st place: Kimmy Beck - 69, c/o
2nd place: Sharon Scott - 69, c/o
3rd place: Kiki Morrow - 74
Flight B: 1st place: Kimberly Hur - 72
2nd place: Kathy Kumpis – 73, c/o
3rd place: Jenifer Tran – 73, c/o
Flight C: 1st place: Rhoda Nishida, 72
2nd place: Shari Stellhorn, 75
3rd place: Carol Smith, 78
Flight D: 1st place: Holly Hencke, 70
2nd place: Valerie Klein, 75
3rd place: Jerrie Chapin, 76
c/o – ties were broken using the c/o method using the Back 9 holes minus half handicap.
The question came up: is it OK to report out winners prior to the meeting? Yes.
February tournament: Feb 19, 2025 - 1, 2, 3 Best Ball Tournament
Most improved: Debbie Dakouzlian. She will receive a free round certificate from Meadowlark.
Penalty for not posting: If you do not post your score on the day you play, you will be notified by our Handicap Chair by email. After a second time, you will be notified again and the Weekly Chair will also be notified by email that you are not eligible for any winnings for that day. (As agreed to by members present at the Wednesday February 5, 2025 meeting.)
WPLGA Award winners were announced: Annual Kickoff (held at Rio Hondo.)
Also, just once, the WPLGA 2025 Away from Home, the Eclectic Tournament and the February/March flyers were emails to current WPLGA members.
WPLGA – Team Play:
The Roster is in and approved. Dee Wright, captain, will email out dates for play. In order to participate in this year’s team play, one must have been a member of WPLGA prior to Dec. 1, 2024.
Listed below are those who will be participating:
Captain: Diana Wright
Ass't C: Donna DeWit
Michelle States
Donna DeWit
Sally Modzelewski
Rhoda Nishida
Nina Derosa
Mary Eggert
Sharon Scott
Judy Schaad
Pauline Lomelin
Gemma Bannon
Nancy Kutnick
Diana (Dee) Wright
Barbara Rechlin
Norma Guiterrez
Sheilia Blyth
Marian Rocchi
Barbara Negrete
Pam Mabry
Joyce Nagatani
Sandy Osterhout
SCGA – Team Play:
This year we will not be playing, there were not enough teams signed up. You need at least 3 and only 2 signed on.
Peggy Bachlor will work with Canyon Crest to see about a fun day of play, and if play were to take place at Meadowlark, we will check in to hosting a lunch.
Jackie Minnis sent out an excellent email on “tended flower beds” and “compacted cart paths”. For the meeting Jackie created a board with a diagram of hole #2 so members could understand it better.
Debbie and Sharon attended the SCGA Rules Meeting at Big Canyon Golf Course on Feb. 3. One rule that Debbie shared was: you are able to fix around the cup before you putt. You can let your group know what you are doing.
Unfinished business:
Tea for Two – Donna deWitt will continue handling Tee for Two. It will be held on Nov. 16-18 at Temecula Creek Inn.
New business:
Christine Ramirez-Bustos shared information about Lou Ann Reichling, WPLGA president, had an accident stepping into her cart.
If golf is canceled on meeting day, the meeting time to be determined by President. Sentence in Rule Book to be changed accordingly. If some ladies want to play golf instead of attending the monthly meeting, they made do so.
Our President, Barbara Negrete talked with general manager Derek and he understood about golf being cancelled last minute due to extreme rain and a wet golf course on that day. If advance notice can be given, he would appreciate it.
Dates have been selected for Rodrigos – Monday, March 3, Monday, June 2, Monday, August 4 & Monday Oct. 6. March 3 may have to change, due to Team Play that day.
Barbara asked the question if another day could be used such as Thursdays. It was suggested that two fundraiser dates could be used. Barbara suggested adding Don Ramons (They are closed on Mondays)
Su Chung was absent, so Joyce Nagatani helped out.
Meeting was adjourned at ?
Below is a link to our website:
General Meeting Minutes February 5, 2025